for Oct. 21, 7:30pm = Sepharad by Dulaang UP
21/10/2005 19:30 h
Carlos P. Romulo Auditorium / Auditorio Carlos P. Romulo (Makati)
RCBC Plaza, Yuchengco Tower
Makati City Metro Manila (FILIPINAS)
Representación escénica
Dulaang UP tries its hand on another Spanish work, ''Sefarad'', freely
based on the novel by Antonio Muñoz Molina, one of Spain''s most
celebrated writers. Sefarad is the Jewish for Spain - Jews were
expelled from Spain in 1492, the same year Colombus landed in America
and Spain started to build up its Empire. The play mixes fiction,
history, and memoir and draws on the Sephardic diaspora, the
Holocaust, and Stalin''s purges to tell a twentieth-century story.
Shifting seamlessly from the past to the present and following the
routes of escape across countries and continents, ''Sepharad'' evokes
people real and imagined who come together in a pattern defined by
exile -- from Eugenia Ginsburg to Grete Buber-Neumann, the one on a
train to the gulag, the other to a Nazi concentration camp; from Primo
Levi bound for Auschwitz to the drama of so many Filipino overseas
workers scratching a life so far way from home. All voices of
separation, nostalgia, exile, and endless waiting. All voices born
from political and economic immigration -perhaps another form of
political exile.
¡Fiesta! 2005. Festival Cultural Español. Festival
(Grupo) Dulaang Universidad de Filipinas: José Estrella
Collaborating Organisation
Universidad de Filipinas. Centro de Letras
Ministerio de Cultura (España). Subdirección General de Cooperación
Cultural International
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